CFA & Comprisal VOJ词汇表

CFA & Comprisal VOJ词汇表
Caplet tick day trader scalper steepen BP trial and error adjacent liquidity premium pioneer royalty affiliate escrow appropriation district debenture tap issue prospectus mark to market junk bonds investment grade credit spread prepayment risk Call Risk time lag sinking fund cum coupon lump affirmative margin foreseeable commercial paper creditworthy payable exempt hamper stringent lag bank line of credit idle tender prevailing brokerage dislocation collateralize gauge slope hence gear ratio gearing thoroughly statutory tax rate financial statement velocity currency drain deviation aggregate replenish curtail Economic Rent monopsony bargain disutility collusive collusion offset convey deodorant monopolistic collude incentive margarine donut insulation toothpaste computation customary forego leisure clerical curve symmetry utilitarianism deadweight lottery compound rate construe comply strive deprive prospective client reassess portfolio fiduciary proctor plagiarism perpetual overhead conversion rebate segregate instructive cursory premium goodwill subtotal snapshot deferred MBO LBO scrutiny private equity par value cumulative preference shares preference shares statutory proxy merger residual claim actuarial defined benefit defined contribution be referred to as Defined benefit pension plan pension post-employment intimidate recourse sponsor receivable beneficiary residual dividend payout ratio downstream upstream identifiable proportionate discretion recoverable amount trademark salvage value nonetheless insight franchise right business combination therefore identical thus merely sustain capital rationing externality sunk beverage incremental cash flow mandatory portray working capital screen out inadvertently shenanigan deferred tax asset tax return carrying value scrap value salvage fair value reliability consistency going concern invoice deliberately retained earnings contribute activity Proxy statement material divestiture contingency trade underlie warrant retrospective write-down write-off impairment depreciation warranty amortization footnote latitude obligor vested estate installment extent barter bottom line income incidental incur allowance dilute asset cash flow equity custodian squared regression blockbuster equilibrium skew mean-variance underlying intraday index fund money market fund over-the-counter Closed-end fund load fund up-front no-load fund open-end fund redeem mutual fund foundation endowment Monte Carlo simulation lognormal distribution threshold level criterion shortfall risk cross-product correlation coefficient covariance Expected Value total probability joint probability marginal probability kurtosis outlier skewness coefficient variation mad mode average mean modal interval tally subset withdrawal