
economy class disembark descent cruise cockpit cabin business class altitude aisle seat airsick airline terminal passport control passport metal detector landing card immigration departure lounge customs carousel aircraft wing tail steward runway propeller life jacket jet flight airport way travel timetable ticket station set off on time on foot journey furthest further unwind spare time recreation outing lively live it up leisure have fun have a good time excursion exciting entertain chill out boring amuse activity wallet sweetshop store stock shut shopper sale ale refund reduce receipt purse pharmacy open on sale in stock exchange escalator discount department store close boutique bookshop bakery eruption evacuate flood hurricane landslide lava molten rubble survivor sweep away tornado tremor tsunami typhoon preserve power station jungle ice cap greenhouse gas global warming extinct environmentally friendly environmental environment endangered species emission ecologist die out deforestation conserve conservation compost climate change biodegradable world USA Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Cancer time zone southern hemisphere South Pole south america population polar Pacific Ocean northern hemisphere the North Pole North America nation landmass global geography Europe equator earth country continent Australia atlas Asia Arctic Ocean Antarctica America Africa unmanned UFO space station spaceship spacecraft solar system solar shooting star re-entry planet orbit observatory milky way meteor manned lunar light year gravity galaxy countdown cosmonaut constellation comet atmosphere astronomy astronomer asteroid wheat straw smallholding rice reap plough plantation pesticide ox organic milk livestock irrigation hay harvest fodder fertilizer farmyard farming farmhouse cultivation crop cowshed cattle barn arable agriculture agricultural rainy satellite season sleet smog sunshine rainfall pour monsoon misty mist mild meteorologist humid hazy hailstone gust gale frosty frost forecast foggy fog dull drizzle downpour degree cloudy climate breeze blizzard steam strait tank upstream wade source reservoir rapid puddle pool pipe melt meander leak ice gush freeze ford flow