
litter bin kerb gutter footbridge drive crossing urban traffic town suburb skyscraper shopping mall residential district resident quarter pollution pedestrian outskirts neighbourhood local litter inhabitant graffito district crowd community city citizen area waitress waiter tip starter snack bar set menu service charge reservation pizza order main course hot dog fast food eat out eatery diner dessert curry course cocktail cafe book bill bar a la carte supermarket special offer shopping list Self-service product produce packaging label hypermarket delicatessen convenience food checkout brand reader barcode scanner aisle lily poppy vase twig trunk sunflower stalk rose pick petal log leaf forest fern bunch bud branch bark wheelbarrow watering can tree sow soil seed plant path mow hedge lawn grass flowerbed flower fence dig win turn teddy bear scrapbook rule puzzle puppet pencil play drum draw doll dice counter comic board game wipe stain spotless soak up soak shine scrub rinse filthy dirt detergent washing wallpaper vacuum untidy tidy sweep spring cleaning repair mess mend make a mess housework household fix dust dirty decorate cooking clear up clean chore tube tin take out stopper put in packet lid jar full empty crate container can basket workshop wrench workbench spanner screwdriver screw saw sandpaper pliers plane nut nail hatchet hammer hacksaw chisel bolt blunt axe vacuum cleaner mop microwave oven ladder ironing board heater gadget dustpan duster dishwasher clothes horse central heating broom boiler appliance washbasin wash turn off turn on towel toilet sponge shower plughole plug hot water have a shower have a bath bath handkerchief lying down toy wardrobe wake up tuck in snore pillow mattress lie down in bed go to sleep go to bed goodnight duvet blanket bed awake asleep alarm clock worktop oven wash up washing machine toaster teapot pan kettle fridge freezer dry up dish cooker apron tray stick