新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表

新加坡AEIS考试Vocabulary Primary1-Sec1词汇表
policemen platoon academic faculty magistrate heroine empress duchess baroness prince lord gentleman fiance emperor duke disability men keep figure mental waitress therapist technician psychiatrist computer earthenware supply correction deal contact sell massage programmer paediatrician orthodontist ornithologist ophthalmologist newsagent nanny masseuse masseur hear watch saying style organ reproductive affect medical surface rock inventor historian herbalist gynaecologist goldsmith glazier geologist install publication project furnish improve hotel cook chief engineer contractor caddie butler sale system solar predict star professionally dance learn culture stunt spent botanist baker astronomer astrologer anthropologist accountant husband betray aim wasteful negative street widower widow vandal traitor terrorist stowaway spendthrift pilgrim philosopher patriot drive political because language contradictory standard function visit nomad martyr litterbug hypocrite hostess hooligan hermit guest excessively knowledgeable permanently drunk habitually alcohol excessive drink graduate drunkard cannibal busybody braggart accomplice boast glutton bully read refinement debt repay legally shoot job other selfless carry barbarian bankrupt atheist angler amateur altruist addict madden dangle beer passbook dim dabble accessory lure curb doh fingertip lurch call god liberate stay notebook dissent beck pantheon mentally descent brownish closely creek broad cantankerous panel tightly creak effective brisk thieve less military scent callous guidebook cent exactly brilliant a pack of longer bloody seen unbelievable angelic boastful suffer skin cookery thoroughly unable plate catalogue rank Trojan a flock of quantity group booklet lowest royalty hand chapel British dirt together cell fruit witty a crowd of quickly cathedral speak vivacious a crew of uptight seeming cache tong everyone writer roughly consist tooth think coterie shake boutique teeth testy congregation begin asylum bore pull