英语O水准每年试题O level Yearly Examination Questions词汇表

英语O水准每年试题O level Yearly Examination Questions词汇表
purple fade muffle candy floss roll in ledge stuck on similar behave break through partnership like-minded programme unique issue address Singaporean community welfare work with consequently primate perception exclusive previously chimpanzee qualification curiosity play a role individual institute at the present time influence all over the world tourist attraction event occasion celebrate on site supervision sponsor accommodation practical rebuilding carry out organizer humanity charity zoological champagne mango dine skeleton stuffed in addition to foundation be regarded as summary outline mankind essential future interval companion summarise description case irritating domineering nature inquisitive extremely emphasis firm present aim to look after phrase paragraph intend to refer to material additional booklet custom fertility prosperity cultural kwashiorkor deficiency prone unavailable deprive accompaniment diet acre yield maize polished shelf life shelf prolong bran nutty characteristic retain husk brown rice mill machinery sophisticate intensive mould formation combine harvester mechanical sickle accessible drain ripen burrow multiply crayfish edible lethal pest deter crop ample mandatory plant out seedling propagate thrive soak domestication indicate genetic fancy mere sunbeam famine afield further gradually descendent reign succumb sling strap trudge ditch wallow buffalo precipitous dwarf grim cling obstinate terrace paddy haze billow pale surf blink nod off stun scar colony boulder trash trundle raw convoy crane bulldozer vast quarry dramatically tranquil mirage tease poke nose into irritate enlighten cedar cypress at first glance slope Burma yell incessant vainly irrigation poise apparent bulge canvas strike up khaki sandal seemingly stretch expertise conduct program pursuit ecological sustainable authentic dentistry midwifery physiotherapy exposure care home orphanage disability aspect voluntary fortunate exciting variety tremendous oversea volunteer abroad project comprehension hinder tablet electronic device dull part with matter possession describe composition dramatic trail remote rough no matter how sturdy wilderness bali delightful as well as ingredient Bangkok