
nominal enable globalization proportional to crush natural gas mathematical perishable shout barrier knock out compound bermudan reverse collar strap strip strangle Diagonal spread bearish bullish symmetrical spectrum mistime zirconium slaughter herd replicate synthetical synthetic fiduciary parity dilution default risk bid price adjust qualify nonstandard out of the money intrinsic value dictate remainder New York Stock Exchange NYSE Chicago Board Options Exchange zero-sum game transaction cost long position short position put option call option asymmetric exotic appreciation basis point spot exchange rate criticism rarely ensure reference rate vanilla respectively outset mechanics back to back currency swap floating rate absolute advantage comparative advantage swap progressively rearrange Chicago Mercantile Exchange eurodollar arcane conversion entice backwardation justification appealing approximation peso inception periodic forward price deduct from origination net profit short squeeze short selling for the sake of incorporated interchangeable parallel coax depositor segmentation leave off resemble curvature convexity duration compound rate intimidate isolation algebraical fulfilling floater reference to imply consol plain rollover boil down Hedge ratio interruption specification quo incentive questionable cereal fluctuate predetermine lock in prevailing disciplinary complaint revision approve instantaneous discretionary physical intention Settlement price inverted split variation margin margin call maintenance margin initial margin collateral convergence undue preceding tick quotation stipulate ounce troy index vary from strike price market maker adherence misuse corporation operational catastrophic versatile in excess of arbitrageur bet on breakeven depict formalize precise trillion agreeable over the counter indicate customization elimination payoff slippage sour crude oil differential prearrange strive inevitable bushel possess spot price deficit take possession of solvent guaranty variation permit denominate diligence scalper elect expulsion mercantile affiliation affiliate privilege orderly formation swing drought volatile historically interpose tailored intraday grain outcry down payment instance earnest money finite integrity clearinghouse close out discrepancy speculator hedger dissemination spoilage distributor finalize commodity agricultural security iteration uniformly reproduce corresponding hazard segment discretization twofold quadruple infinity bootstrap stratified pseudorandom cluster technique estimator persistence resort to consistent with stylized empirical extension reduction synonymous