
postal postage poo monetary system planned economy petty cash petty petrodollar personal pecuniary arrear in arrear payment agreement in advance pay-as-you-go pay as you go pay panic buying panic paid holiday package plan package deal over-the-counter overdue outright outlay opening price oligopoly oil reserve industry oil refining oil intervention offer petroleum note nosedive nominal price nominal stock exchange New York Stock Exchange net price net income negotiate national tax narrow margin narrow naked mutual fund Multinational corporation multinational multilateral monopolistic competition monopoly monopolistic money-oriented money order money market money uncertainty stringency monetary easing monetary a mint of mixed mint minimum acquisition merge merchant prince buck medium market research market analysis gross margin margin management manage Madrid macro macroeconomics lump-sum lull low-cost low-budget interest rate long-term Lombard Lombard Street shark loan shark listed share listed corporation liquidate liquid assets liquid liberalize levy leverage level playing field level off layoff law of diminishing returns land grant land knockdown kitty kite kickback kerb negotiation Kennedy jumbo jumble joint account invitation invisible investment bank investment inventory entrepreneur intrapreneur exploitation negative interbank insurance company insurance policy instalment influx inflationary spiral inflationary curb inflation industrial complex industrial indexation index fund index increment inconvertible tax return income tax distribution income inactive import restriction surcharge restriction priority consignment formality import duties supply and demand imbalance hypothetical holding company holder income bracket economic growth bead hard currency hallmark guideline growth gross sales gross profit gross domestic product greenback Great Depression grey market government subsidy government bond government gross GNP glamour general merchandise general manager future fund front money fringe benefit freight prepaid freight frozen asset freeze free enterprise free trade free port forward contract forward delivery foreign direct investment inflow free on board floor floating float flat fixed price fixed income fixed exchange rate fixed asset fixed fiscal year fiscal policy financier solvency oligarch backing financial crisis financial aid financial affairs fiscal public finance in the red finance bill finance Federal Reserve Bank favoured favored favorable balance of trade face value subsidy export credit export exemption tobacco excise conversion clause exchange charge exchange excess euro estimate estate equity turnover embargo European economy economics economic take-off economic strain economic sphere economic sanction economic recession potentiality economic indicator economic crisis