
microbe inquire enquiry campaign crusade rich well being healthy bully left maltreat literacy literate legal legitimate criticize strategy responsibility responsible attendance attend lavish excessive extravagance increase escalate ethical imply scientific finding therapy treatment morale vigorous vigor eternal immortal mortal reward manipulative manipulate participation fair disclose equal transparent feedback comment receive Min max flexible contingent quantity abundance cut retrench scrap eliminate remove staff personnel coming imminent insecure uncertain cynical take in recruitment recruit give rise to underline flaw weakness defect fade away plot story line important teach story narrative settle on persuasive convincing convince expand magnify magnifier suffering agony panic astonished stunned be able to ability sophisticated developed separate enough sufficiency sufficient suffice burden stress pressure recreation entertainment isolated loneliness lonely respect control self discipline self esteem link association connection relation correlation jealous of jealous jealousy populous nutrient nutritious determine improvement growth finite therefore as a consequence culture rare scarce rather compare subject discipline evolutionary evolution evolve basic fundamental interpretation explain means way method technique approach impulse instinct intuition stem from derived from supplementary supplement additional prejudice bias unbiased objectively comment on statement participate participant information aware conscious accessible attainable available ation action elicit derive gain attain acquire achieve get obtain fragment piece debris devastate destruction demolish ruin bomb blast globe earth planet reliance self independence independent education educate lesson in order to goal purpose behavior several diverse variable various different a wide range of trend tendency environment surroundings matter special specific practice exercise rehearsal square root square class spiritual mental death injury wound hurt hazard abnormal normal common usual long term chronic retrain consult disillusioned disenchanted meat drive organ brain linguistic language a list of a set of