新加坡中一科学教科书Lower Secondary Science Matters Volume A词汇表

新加坡中一科学教科书Lower Secondary Science Matters Volume A词汇表
distill collect vaporisation sheet condensation diagram participant survival pan heap pile sputter out evaporate gently bath set-up vaporise solvent pebble gravel silt grain germ raw sodium cost saving purification purify reservoir cone ground coffee jug pore filtrate filter funnel residue rod insoluble process retrieve junkyard filing reaction crude oil simple pass through tiny sieve traditional chromatography distillation filtration attraction magnetic application structure comb trap beak squeeze flamingo disposal improper clean up compensation liver contaminate shellfish accumulate consume get rid of discharge methylmercury fat-soluble minamata contagious community discrimination coma paralysis insanity limbs numbness symptom mysterious observe poisoning fixed blindfold thinner stirring surface area concentrated in sequence stir solubility pelican seaweed adverse effect Gulf of Mexico vulnerable horizon deepwater pulp uniform settle speck ingredient ethanol organic waterproof dye syrup carbonated suspension throughout transparent exhibit salad dressing water vapour noble nitrogen chalky limewater combustion sugar cane ethanoic acid exhale inhaled calcium pantothenic acid biotin folic acid vitamin niacin riboflavin nutritional supplement sulfate carbon dioxide calcium carbonate chemical method combined ratio proportion poisonous in contact with vigorous consumption sodium chloride illustrate mention exact be made up of manufacturer exhaust crystal fuel photosynthesis silicon colourless tinge pinkish diarrhoea bismuth scrap iron salvage magnet distinctive chemical reaction electrolysis battery acid oxygen zigzag line peasant humble eventually qualify admission dedicate accompany column vertical categorise metal broadly nuclear synthetic occur periodic table nickel Sales Clerk compound element contain frame component foil stress extreme zinc magnesium copper assembly similarly meerkat consequence constant effort opt biodegradable impact pollutant release manufacturing global warming deforestation overload landfill starve clog excessive dispose of sparingly canoeist avid reinforce immerse jadeite nephrite jade olive oil vinegar evaporation aluminium wax vegetable oil drifting navigate anchor buoy versus tap water respectively equivalent impure