地球化学,宇宙化学 (Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry)词汇表

地球化学,宇宙化学 (Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry)词汇表
dewater subduction overestimate assumed connectivity actual breakdown coating analysis surge tidal facilitate hint riverbed removal progressive modulate reactor atypical scatter moreover by contrast resemblance spanned campaign deviation triplicate dwell whilst doubly refrigerate existing strontium pattern motivate transformation incomplete universal notion tectonic relevant shed evolution recycle at most assessment submarine magnitude comprehensive reconstruct mirabilite trough describe intercept limestone stated inversion uncorrected bedrock platform uniform cyclic critical radius context caveat posteriori priori remain affect obey trap significantly prevailing radically spectrum related translation straightforward archive drive govern reconcile contradictory apparent reliable specific latter boomerang equivocal laterite behave validation contribute sink interestingly the same as multiply andean downstream upstream hypotheses accordingly manner swampy flat podzolisation organo waterlogged acidic mobilization millennium limitation pose fluid thereby mineralogical fragment discrepancy address unlike interact assemblage linear hyperbola stem silicon discriminate exceptionally evolve simplicity sake spatial integrate conceptual exert net covariation appendix detailed compositional inverse collectively insensitive vice versa complication complementary cover subtract dome minor shield estimate agreement predominant instantaneous systematically Negro comparable granodiorite amazonian sodium calcium halite monthly elsewhere profile duplicate container quadrupole ultrapure Teflon cruise fission radionuclide hydrology locus continuously lateritic outcrop metamorphic basement essentially dilute exclusively foreland equivalent belt igneous tertiary Paleozoic relief in terms of based on spanning herein supply interpret involved specifically conflict unravel residence impose floodplain negatively enhanced variation apart from satisfactorily batch lowland headwater borne development isolation respective shaded elemental interrelated stability parallel cumulate systematic combine instructive smectite octahedral susceptibility porosity adopted appear to envision theoretical binary in such case illustrate elevated responsible clay possess plot correlate with congruent approximation close to assume volatile previously yield