肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption词汇表

肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption词汇表
signature shield shale sear script sake rumor royal roomie revenge remorseless release rehabilitate reflex reefer redemption quietly qualify purple profession polish poem picnic permission pebble particularly miracle minimum mica meticulous matchstick manner malfunction maintenance Maine mailed maggot magazine Yale worthless limestone likewise windowsill laundry land Kennedy judge vote island Irish investigate intramural institutionalized inspection incredible inconvenient impression immutable hush upstate holster hereby hazy harsh Hancock hammer grind gray grant turpentine governor goddamn geologist tub gal fund fort figment feather fantasy fairly expense expand equivalency educational dumb tote due drift toothbrush dock tit doc district dissolve diploma dime dick thump destruction thumb deprive delouse thrill deductible thou decidedly crime Thomas courtesy thick whatnot victim verse vain universal uncertain restroom requirement trigger treasure toy tornado tin rat tier throat quartz putt terribly tenure protection progressive tale supervise suds pressure postmark straight storage pitch pipe stare phantom spouse spoon social sob soapstone sneak slingshot slam skim sip sin shred shoulder shitty shine shame shake severance senate sealed screw scene Mexico salvation merit material rope roof rob ripe magnanimous revolver maestro lord request liking Rembrandt remainder rejoin lawyer regret labor knee jury journey joint rate jaw rapture quote queer institutional quarter inquiry inform infirmary punk pucker pry prove icy properly hound profit homosexual process pro privilege prisoner prison prick president guilty guard poster postcard pork plate piss pin piggy flame pickax fellow petrify fantastic perhaps perform penny exception pencil enemy elsewhere payment educate ease parole pack pacific owe doubt outline outgoing ought oppose officer