高中牛津版高二 上学期词汇表

高中牛津版高二 上学期词汇表
obtain ability fairly general broad require essay in addition to material guess lively satisfactory print sheet copy task opinion personal deal with deal intend objective development existence speech aloud poetry consist Rome ballet specialized opera violinist musician Walt Disney baggy cane bowler costume Charlie Chaplin silent comedian following worldwide look to local occasionally entertainer actually parade Norway tournament ski auto Chicago telstar significance recent televise reception constantly improvement impact tremendous appearance performer permit communication major circle contact by means of means civilization remote globe universal marconi entertain instruct inform daily understanding disturb valley photography oceanographer conduct strip exact bottom rope weighted submarine map oceanography inhabitant monument destruction speed Tokyo extinct species level contain Sweden extinction threaten hardwood entire eastern spruce stream forest vast damage leaf vehicle fume pour chimney industrial carbonic weak dioxide carbon combine acid splendid or so project block site practice fatten simply profit similar penicillin wrapping remain additive researcher discovery cancer related illness percent unfit nutrition source soybean partly protein neglect supply normal lack make up for growth vitamin ancient advanced knowledge meal crash regularly crop rapidly further company sum loss against insurance protection heartbreak ought unguarded surface polish highly scrub trap slippery elderly quantity label coke mixture sweet mistake pill key lock switch off golden go wrong mend admit kill risk power socket cleaner plug loose electrical faulty dangerous sign call slip slip current