
explicit present pharmacopoeia eventually work at... decade error grave in particular integrate with integrate recipe delay tradition carry on... commence render concern go into... keen childhood province noted pharmacology pharmacologist reduce be sure to undertake above-mentioned essential transmission route free of thoroughly disinfect bedsheet linen article equipment consequently considerable attend to... attend preventive strict significance significant ingestion inhalation gain access to... access lesion indirectly urine faeces secretion take place be aware of... fatal occur to sb. occur admit cross infection cross protection bloodstream manufacture antibody phagocyte phagocytosis engulf eat up site leucocyte counteract digest acid secrete swallow normally responsible release fluid a host of... host at the expense of... expense beneath break guard barrier invasion invader penetrate manage fortunately terminate fairly overcome disease-producing ensue gain entrance to... helpful positively inside swarm droplet infection droplet by far defence medicinal idea import expensive routine normal heal hold criticism despite originate from... originate digitalis herb herbal onion beetroot lay decay explanation anyhow detrimental otherwise efficacious in one's opinion impress remark surprise infect strip exotic grocery paw-paw remedy fail transplant kidney as to countess name after Swedish Europe reveal wonder at the last moment in time square get to servant inquire absent utter disclose murder secret secretly worry about... intimate fall ill mix with... mix powder bark drain away drain breed mosquito Indian Amerindian America peruvian Peru Lima count Spaniard value free from... quinine staphylococci drug-fast fast prevalence medication strain evolution result in widespread consequence reaction abnormal allergy set up unrestrainedly prevent from unaffected eliminate administration up to fungus coexist specific secondary complication give rise to mankind of benefit to... benefit incalculable streptomycin streptomyces be made from... penicillium penicillin mold be derived from... derive vital upset pathogenic arrest antibiotic-resistant resistant to... resistant antibiotic mental maintenance individual international organization vast promotion actually seek concept existing exist aim at aim responsibility take on