
curiosity virtuous conscience hypotheses intuitive intention motivation ideomotor cognitive cognition Archimedes founder mental egocentric psychoanalysis behaviorism participate self-reliance individual conformity minority majority mature teenager optimism external fame intellect ideology plato Aristotle philosophy patriarchal ecological anthropologist Canada Dutch Netherlands turkey Spain Germany France Egypt Greek Rome Italy Britain Europe medieval excavation excavate bury inhabit originate ritual shelter covert obsidian canoe utensil artifact antique relic cultural historical cranial skull remain ruin tomb grave ancient civilization antiquity archeologist homogeneous alliance clan nomad cave man ancestor primitive Iron Age Bronze Age Neolithic mesolithic paleolithic Stone Age choreographer choregraphy toeshoe ballet comedy opera appreciate logical formula amusement entertainment museum religion chivalry princess prince royalty master servant fortune quotation ending incident obligatory plot prologue prelude setting background trait aestheticism modernism surrealism literary studies literary criticism literacy troubadour imagist biographer satirist author style type editorial proverb ballad lyric character sketch autobiography poetry narrative descriptive prose science fiction novel legend allegory mythology folk tale fairy tale genre span converge cohere mold hammer erect pour parchment pastel sculpt sphinx portrait prototype hemp fiber tile mortar plaster lime splint timber canal pipeline sewer drainer chimney lamp fountain dwelling electric elevator staircase corridor doorway pedestal mat skeleton marble ceiling arch dome roof celebrated the Statue of Liberty pyramid Gothic castle cathedral cabin office building skyscraper aquarium planetarium archives molten immense flat parallel alignment facade cube tension compose component compact construct design guild school aesthetic craft architect fanatical improvisational formal pound clarinet horn viola violin percussion instrument keyboard instrument string instrument musical instrument accompaniment podium orchestra vocal music serenade sonata lullaby movement composition score notation rhythmic rhythm melody chord harmony solo volume pitch