
英 [ʌn'bɑ:d]
美 [ʌn'bɑd]
  • v.

    拔去门闩,打开( unbar的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    unbarred[ ,ʌn'bɑ: ]

    • adj.not firmly fastened or secured

      "an unbarred door"




    The Gates Unbarred
    Luminosities of Barred and Unbarred S0 Galaxies
    The gates unbarred : a history of university extension at Harvard, 1910-2009
    Nature of nuclear rings in unbarred galaxies: NGC 7742 and NGC 7217
    The nuclear ring in the unbarred galaxy NGC 278: Result of a minor merger?
    Ultraviolet morphologies of nearby barred and unbarred spiral galaxies
    The gravitational torque of bars in optically unbarred and barred galaxies
    A Comparative Study on Star Formation of Barred and Unbarred Disk Galaxies from SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey
    The Outer Disks of Early-Type Galaxies. II. Surface-Brightness Profiles of Unbarred Galaxies and Trends with Hubble Type
    Comparing Molecular Gas and Star Formation Properties in the Central Regions of Barred and Unbarred Spirals