
  • n.


  • 英英释义


    • Jinn is an upcoming film from Exxodus Pictures. It was written and directed by Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad, and stars Ray Park.




    The effects of infrasound on blood pressure and pulse in humans
    Returning the Jinns to the Jar: Material culture, stories and migration in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s By the Sea
    Hood Initiation: Jewels of Leadership or Jinns of Temptation
    Qom University of Medical Sciences Students’ Opinions Regarding Istikharah, Fate, Destiny, scripting-Amulet, and Jinns
    Love or lust: sexual relationships between humans and jinns in the Thousand And One Nights and The Djinn in The Nightingale's Eye
    The revenge of the Jinns : spirits, Salafi reform, and the continuity in change in contemporary Ethiopia
    Telmarines, and Calormens, and Jinns! Oh, My!: Reflections on a Politically Incorrect Narnia in a Post-Colonial Era
    In the Land of Jinns
    Jinns, Stars and Warriors. Mandinka Legends from Senegal
    From the 'Jinns' (Genies) series, 2000 (40 by 30 inch black-and-white photographs)