
What is the hourly payment method being described?

Payment method                                                                     Basic rate              Overtime premium             Overtime payment

This is the amount paid above the basic rate for hours

worked in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the total amount paid per hour for hours worked

in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the amount paid per hour for normal hours worked.   


Payment method                                                            Basic rate     Overtime premium     Overtime payment

This is the amount paid above the basic                                                      对

rate for hoursworked in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the total amount paid per hour for                                                                                       对

hours worked in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the amount paid per hour for normal hours worked   对.   


Distinguish between executed and executory consideration. 

What is the standard of proof in civil proceedings? 

What are the three tracks in the tracking system that allocates civil court cases? 

What is the hourly payment method being described?

Payment method                                                                     Basic rate              Overtime premium             Overtime payment

This is the amount paid above the basic rate for hours

worked in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the total amount paid per hour for hours worked

in excess of the normal hours.   

This is the amount paid per hour for normal hours worked.   

Which remuneration method is being described?

Payment method                                                                    Time-rate             Piecework           Piece-rate plus bonus

Labour is paid based solely on the production achieved.   

Labour is paid extra if an agreed level of output is exceeded.   

Labour is paid according to hours worked.   
