
lie-in integrated circuit graphic infer grab impede gown hurtle gingerly harass gasp hay mown fresh eyewitness flashback explicit coupon emphatic consistent edge coax devastating clarity deafening clad bound chronological blustery caravan blissful captivity berate amid bear down on affectionate wintry stroke windmill stack up wicker squat weird spotty wedge spiral warden sober versatile smasher vantage point slouch unflappable slant uncomplimentary single-breasted twinge silhouette toad shroud terrain serrated telly sceptical predominantly right-angle polka dots reserved poke reformulate plump rectangle pinpoint rattle petite mould panel misanthropic oval mid calf nip merge naive melancholy irritate meditation invigilator loot irritable loo invigilate leaden indolent lank in unison knead impersonal greasy hump grazing funfair Georgian flattering extravagant droop equilateral dough cynical dismal cut corners discard curvaceous diagonal CROSS-SHAPED buckle credulous brunette correlation breathtaking cone blunt concentric bloodshot complexion blonde auburn bibliography alas baggy aerial wrestle with workshop syntax transference subsidiary tireless semaphore tackle semantic roundabout self-reliant round off self-reliance refute interact refutation integral prevaricate innovation platitude indent pitfall illustrate disillusionment disillusion foghorn digression exemplify digress attribute cope assimilate cogitation archaeology break the ice abrupt virtue unravel plunge scramble pop in of all things highlight model peep grope cursive frown on courteous eligible console dissertation complimentary wizard utterance stock thought-provoking spate tenant so-and-so take for granted sequencer resume pull someone's leg reiterate perceive overlap pal outstrip interlocutor mutter interim jumble indispensable janitor in vain foster handy format crumple formality costume eliminate convey doting convention assortment confront advent colloquialism adaptable