
motivation settlement representative etc goods manufacture recycle material swallow greedy ecology disposal dispose dustbin ribbon efficient efficiency receiver instant button postcode postage typewriter typist citizen moveable imitate enormous desert mud alien pedal speed up pessimistic optimistic slide into exhausted timetable switch flash sweep up lose sight of safety belt belt fasten press carriage hover be back mask adjustment lack combination tolerate surrounding sideways opening stewardess steward capsule expertise tablet guide uncertain previous flashback jet lag jet constantly constant take up impression aspect bruise make a difference scheme ambulance pressure apply treat hand on a number of stab bravery ceremony throat firmly firm tightly tight blouse sleeve damp wrist pour kettle label symptom vital infection ointment in place bandage over and over again squeeze out squeeze basin unbearable scissors nerve char watery blister swollen swell electric shock tissue heal stove pan mildly mild radiation liquid variety complex ray poison barrier layer organ essential skin cupboard choke ankle sprain nosebleed bleed injury fall ill temporary first aid aid impressive impress pleased terrified terrify tradition nearby broad buffet workplace dawn Cantonese pearl downtown booth schoolmate misty mist in the distance distance wealthy confirm frost maple bush mixture mix topic location urban acre slightly slight border within have a gift for cowboy stampede eagle catch sight of manage to do settle down aboard measure harbour rocky surround upward westward eastward scenery chat baggage continent rather than governor Prime Minister minister prime penguin polar grizzly beaver Ottawa Calgary Toronto Vancouver Canadian quiz multicultural consistent tense error pot thrill original communism Highgate navigation imaginary longitude Greenwich Buckingham Palace statue splendid cathedral uniform royal delight sightseeing fold wedding arrange break down take the place of alike quarrel plus possibility fax furnished description opportunity leave out enjoyable countryside