
refund deliver department store stall outlet mall counter interest rate free of charge exchange rate receipt fare expense cost cheque cashier sell out pick out sale marketing catalogue slice protein nutrition feast bunch dining hall dine out cafeteria cafe buffet bakery appetite stove spoon oven fork stir recipe heat grill cuisine boil yoghurt lemonade coke cocoa thirsty thirst suck spicy sour sip chew popcorn mustard butter bean curd strawberry pea cabbage lamb ham milkshake candy scarf purse cooker thread rag hammer plug lamp quilt blanket toothpaste soap bucket basin use up power failure stain neat faulty charge tidy garbage have on sleepy shave vase suitcase shelf drawer couch armchair living room laundry upstairs storey shelter rent garage entry downstairs ceiling balcony apartment tablet herb get over surgery radium radioactive heal examine check-up tobacco carrier swell suffering pale infection dizzy depressed breathless acute abnormal injury sunburnt suicide sneeze scar lame flu deaf choke allergic accommodation parade present lantern flame firework costume balloon package camping carnival professional athletic amateur take up take the lead match point fall behind victory race point flory event defeat cheer bounce beat attend skateboard referee opponent helmet gymnasium court captain bow bat arrow wrestle volleyball ski skate shoot rugby relay jog gymnastic dive bowling baseball cast put on studio circus ballet dull thriller romantic horror plot action release live conduct compose album composer saxophone symphony on vacation tourist tourism souvenir admission valid visa duty-free application have a good time joyful exhausted spot site resort pyramid monument gallery destination castle attraction tour check out check in tip receptionist route pack luggage booklet terminal driving license brake conductor rush hour sailing tube expressway knock down slow down departure tyre tire