神奇树屋第一册:恐龙谷大冒险 Dinosaurs Before Dark词汇表

神奇树屋第一册:恐龙谷大冒险 Dinosaurs Before Dark词汇表
of course explain better dream second distant round simple trip since exact absolutely photograph tear dizzy smell miracle lift tightly ease flash supposed ride amazing sail shadow shake hit roar flap hop hide bite alive animal meat-eating largest information horrible hardly beat beside behind back plus wish leap swing dangle thick plain ugly enormous hunt upset worry save mad chew bow tower panic gigantic nest as well stuff mutter kill clutch pay attention to busy valley engrave medallion calmly calm gaze stick spot view grab wave tease ignore nudge slip incredibly peep peek finger lip bottom reach carefully kiss cheerful promise sigh meal meat slam over weight plant flip shield horn rhinoceros flour flower pant tumble scramble quit throw grass hill forget scissor jaw fix lean laugh tilt mutant bean brain count on smart whole probably fuzzy skin cover fuzz layer interesting cautious forward move soft alert bright stare star a few ground scientist examine deep in the world knee neck stroke crest touch close gasp ancient bold drop crazy start impossible million vanish reptile either spread wing giant guard none land coast glide volcano slope stream exactly same slant squeeze spin whistle pick up soar creature tremble leaf leave bookmark stick out castle notice glance supposed to tiny porch enough direction elementary school library distance peer far away shiny dusty floor hole crawl grip push poke about to moment dark belong to branch between tuck whisper ladder rope lit groan shout disappear real race pretend spend