The C Programming Language - C语言圣经 - K&R词汇表

The C Programming Language - C语言圣经 - K&R词汇表
underscore typical tentative suffix successive subsequently split shell semicolon selection row room retain reserved remains redundant recursion rectangle real raise quote private practical particularly parse organization normal mechanism meant management keyboard job intended install ignore head handler furthermore fraction Fahrenheit extension ensure divide description decrement correctly contained concatenation column clock carriage boundary besides based across absolute absence vice versa unique unequal try themselves tested suitable specialized somewhere sig separately restricted remove remainder passing opening obvious missing message mathematical math manipulate likely lexical known kept keep jump introduction interpretation going goes generate fractional formal flow fixed fit extra extended exp especially division discuss decision deal cope context complement compact come cause care calendar byte best bad assume algorithm advantage action wrote vary unchanged thing testing termination sure subtree seed rewrite representable remain regardless reason quantity precisely perhaps outer onto nother nor needs multiple latter largest interface inclusion hash hard frequently force false exponent expanded efficient down converting connected cond close child check attempt assert aside anything agree accordingly yet whole vertical understand typically therefore suppose str something searching say save root reference put modifier middle manual inner immediately guaranteed full Fortran concatenate computation backslash automatically actual according times temperature symbol store specific similarly seen satisfied resulting represent question pushed purpose primary previously prefix overflow never kind indicate increasing final fewer existing exist exactly directly determine design compile auto apply alternative want visible run rest related random programming precise portable pascal origin offset limit label know help hand distinct caller become ASCII