The C Programming Language - C语言圣经 - K&R词汇表

The C Programming Language - C语言圣经 - K&R词汇表
arbitrary allocator work volatile very unnamed though start skip significant provided promotion pointed multi merely memory meaning lim initialize initial incomplete inclusive generally gap finally fact expansion exclusive easier date compilation calculator around analogous again turn status state separated rule rand prototype properly placed per note nested natural matter lookup location lists later larger higher grammar further construction brace better wrong various usual sum subscript specification sometimes request recursive prog pass ordinary nothing modify Min environment entire difference counting compound adjacent whatever unless top symbolic show problem practice pair occurrence legal iteration index enumerator enclosed earlier don blank usually user trailing shown required range produce printing notice multiplicative literal independent greater good flag equality during discussion descriptor consider comma cat behavior basic appropriate alignment additive addition simple original longer large important goto far entry compared compare comp available valid similar refer level inside included hold handle group easy convenient changed certain body begin added abstract wide subsequent stat small search minimum leap evaluation etc escape complete comparison add tree reverse provide present positive match instance illegal dimensional create continue condition cannot translation take tag screen reading operation operating keyword internal identical digit declare associated specify special process octal occur node lvalue illustrate binary useful together separate previous numeric notation increment current complicated book side proper old numbers mid longest letter key general exit empty Celsius world width until syntax normally filename execution dir signal shift replacement linkage let hexadecimal convert big sort representation leading enumeration calling arg applied step maximum