计算机网络英语 The Vocabulary of Computer Network词汇表

计算机网络英语 The Vocabulary of Computer Network词汇表
floppy org window cache enter drive organization infrastructure source visual flatbed instant slg copyright boy distributed fixed secondary simulation shift toolbar RAC syndrome directory service checker manager processor chassis add cell primary pull peripheral simple ergonomics universal mux disorder machine IBM HDTV net nonvolatile mouse frequency central ultra cathode message architecture advanced wildcard PnP protocol table dumb integration complex engine hypertext adventure interchange programmer technical address recognition program surfing engineering graph vertical accelerate ole general energy component keyboard book speech person dan ring hyperlink strategy instrument webcam wdm lock numeric presentation power pair channel single windows American alter delete off manufacturing plug backup recorder interface game etc palmtop topology freedom metal accuracy IRC emp menu shoot protect dial analytical provider language denial intel file device board standard broadcaster flat analysis environment parallel escape support year debug Usenet play transport access markup LAN very avg telegraph joystick cracker outline megabyte accelerated URL SOS web proactive CPU physical man competency action silicon sega inter horizontal injury head resolution attachment arithmetic half cynic complementary vga down crime disaster cad disk magnetic chip assistant recovery LCD copy PCI large database wave code jet signature structured byte for protection home virus MIDI discrete print dpi purpose HTML FTP interconnect trainer coherent