欧亨利短篇小说选 Selected Short Stories of O Henry词汇表

欧亨利短篇小说选 Selected Short Stories of O Henry词汇表
captivate phenix cordially bulldog naw guile unconscious interval Arkansas blackjack cracksman elusive confederate clemency do one's bit tumbler knob autograph crater patent scant seltzer genial novelty auger clamp jimmy brace burglar gaze panel overpower eminent balk buck against depot broil chronicle rehabilitate compulsory squeaky villainous bullpen virtuous compromising alibi brace up warden escort assiduous valentine clinch serge railroad breadcrumb architectural draughtsman dummkopf ferocious rumple vicious jangle deception edible offence dairyman lumber clang toot nickel complexion borax quince affront meagre crave showcase substitute cunning revel chiaroscuro gondola marble venetian occupation draughty crust garret stain stale neat baggy darn spectacle trim be inferior to sympathetic bakery tinkle rehearsal mob dross unmercenary emblem piratical jumble resume imprecation girdle congested commerce blockade dutifully rein wagon express detain whirl reverent moth mazuma joss punk unravel lobby gallop forevermore swamp pshaw comradeship boisterous appendix encyclopaedia Knickerbocker hokey grease eureka sire rattle countenance ruddy menial welkin chip off statuette wrinkle sculpture renaissance contumelious clubman aristocratic proprietor grin archer Mammon colleen suicide rale forgather subterranean essence vivify peripatetic sift trenchant crevice discern cognisant woo poignant traverse demure halt divination marshmallow pawnbroker heliotrope flimsy caress peremptorily visitant buffet mignonette exhalation vault effluvium savour yowl intermittent banjo lullaby incontinent titter slay shriek cant cloven upheaval slain forbearance threadbare cryptograph stray maroon ballet flotsam askew pert drapery veil inglorious psyche Huguenot billowy islet tenantry polychromatic discourse babel inert gilt brocade upholstery sophistical demirep specious haggard perfunctory hectic pseudo slime ooze granule monstrous girt chorus interrogation mole slender theatrical certificate vaudeville foul niche organic matter viscid lichen lush rank degenerate