《绿野仙踪》The Wizard of Oz词汇表

《绿野仙踪》The Wizard of Oz词汇表
spicy dazzle poppy scarlet cluster blossom carpet gay stork wistful grassy in some way tired out shore at any rate make-believe apron in the mud downstream current steady beckon discouragement plum peach princess refresh cozy untiring industrious riverbank raft border dotted with meadow swiftly relief brute snarl tear to pieces instant fierce backward tremble horror suspect first-rate broad dreadful monstrous depth discomfort gloomy pant leap mane tight crouch attempt not at all gulf despairing steep jagged creep up ditch eventful rippling snug flame spark pad awkward heartily peculiar roast splendid a pile of dew protect from guide toil thereafter bug understand relieve motion tightly beetle mar adventure at ease jaw crushed approve of stride braver unbearable simply cowardly disease sorrow elephant naturally mystery remarkably tender shiver scratch blunt astonished coward rub ashamed slap heedless bite beast impression spinning paw bounded roar dwell in return thick companion undergo rainstorm alas maiden enemy cruel beaten daunt tinsmith misfortune slip enchant thereupon marriage housework instead of woodchopper son of roll over entire passage comrade shoulder woodman company come along suppose release ever since lean against lower satisfaction bend bent rust joint softly snap amazement stir motionless tin axe uplifted chop imagine timid near by groan scarcely walk through properly bother to inconvenient throat stick in search for squirrel chase lie down patiently a sound sleep log cottage fairly declare darkness come out daylight shut out untilled stake pull off think over after all flock hop manner clumsy perch on crow by and by deserted fellow fasten on remark glimpse a great deal of reproachful fortunate sigh flesh and blood dreary spoil roadside lonesome mishap uneven stumble walk along rat nest suspected addition pin stick tread confidentially worse off awfully yawn stretch puzzled obliged to tedious certainly in wonder husky wink at wink earnestly stuck up stalk