《绿野仙踪》The Wizard of Oz词汇表

《绿野仙踪》The Wizard of Oz词汇表
figure perch represent sack straw stuffed thoughtful gaze chin lean corn ripe pole scarecrow far away cornfield curiosity amuse curled up sheet ordinary settee freedom celebrate pie nut fiddler lawn dome dwelling destroy go by crop abundance vegetable grain neat fence brisk pave nearby trot leather belong to wag worn sunbonnet pink frock washing fade somewhat check gingham peg hang on go back breakfast gather branch hang delicious run over carry down shelf pail butter spread hungry in the least growl straightway brick shining forehead look upon plead exactly perhaps chalk slate at once cap as for weep handkerchief immediately kind-hearted grieve sob surround desert charm reach down dry up explain entirely disappear stand by silently emerald whisper sinking amongst therefore cut off magician wizard account civilized mention dwelt frighten powerful gracious messenger swift although dorothy inquire munchkin favor grateful set free night and day slave in dismay clasp toe pointed silver shod stick out block hesitation evidently harmless innocent bondage witch wicked sorceress noble stiff wrinkle doubtless polish diamond pleat tinkle brim queer eager murmur bank sparkling brook bush flutter plumage brilliant rare gorgeous luscious bear stately all about greensward patch beauty marvelous sight heel sprang dismal whine jar severe sudden awaken fall asleep in spite of sway crawl resolve dash fright get over pass away accident afterward drag into keep up stick up bark cradle tip whirl horribly howl feather raise up pressure generally balloon rose strange footing shriek halfway follow caught hole trap door frightened jump out run for close at hand danger glance cow shed stock look after cyclone suddenly direction ripple whistling sharp storm wave bow wail anxious doorstep dearly all day long wee funny merrily twinkle silky black surroundings rarely solemn stern rough beard