新加坡小学五年级词汇Vocabulary Primary 5词汇表

新加坡小学五年级词汇Vocabulary Primary 5词汇表
burrow barn priest zoo wigwam warehouse ward vineyard vicarage soaking leather sculptor pass away university tannery studio steelworks stall shipyard sawmill sanatorium resort ranch quay polytechnic plantation patisserie pantry orphanage nursery monk hatch melt a range of boarding maintain nunnery launderette jail infirmary igloo hatchery greenhouse graveyard foundry emporium dungeon dump dormitory dockyard creche monastery provision accessory mentally military historical cottage convent college cell cathedral castle cache brewery boutique asylum arsenal in charge of delicatessen archive temporarily lump flour available cluster glance swerve mural chapel intricate collapse negligence contractor properly flow down spoil balloon inflate peer inspect vivid captivate toddler set off fiction historian renowned valid browse slam smash harbour stewardess steward blunt refer to bolt tighten carry away channel marble vinyl border decorative porch patio gutter foundation flooring cornice ceiling basement attic steering wheel spoke hubcap hub chassis bumper brake boot bonnet accelerator sundeck stern quarterdeck hull deck cabin bridge anchor rudder propeller galley fuselage engine cockpit description preface index glossary foreword content blurb thesaurus passport passbook paperback pamphlet novel notebook menu manual alphabetical instruct recipe variety magazine hardback guidebook encyclopaedia directory dictionary cookery catalogue booklet biography autobiography atlas bowl material tongs telescope stethoscope siren sieve shears screwdriver scoop razor punch pump projector pliers pedal parachute nutcracker motor microphone lever lens kaleidoscope hoe restrict laboratory sloping magnetic instrument attached to stiff chopping blade handcuff hammer goggles funnel compass brush pay attention to illustration axe