新加坡小学五年级词汇Vocabulary Primary 5词汇表

新加坡小学五年级词汇Vocabulary Primary 5词汇表
bully burglar crisis react fund delight revolver temperature durable celebrity lifestyle extravagant myth comment scrap sympathy construction vandal accuse throughout titbit woodpecker term contract put up with yowl yield witness withstand vow volley veer translate tolerate thrust theorise ridiculous consuming terminate slouch shrug shamble scoff scavenge savour salvage rouse revoke reunite recline ravage rationalise harsh untidy intelligent rasp ransack ramble persist perch perceive penetrate patronise parry obsess obliterate oblige nudge concern twist crush permanent notify nibble negotiate mimic meddle masticate massacre manifest mangle maim madden lurk lure lurch liberate repeatedly firmly liaise lessen lengthen laze languish ladle knead jot jostle jolt joggle jest initiate inherit inhale entertain pretend aggressive rough interrupt indulge improvise impersonate impede impart impale hustle humiliate hoard hijack heed heckle hasten argue with continuous steadily future harvest haggle growl goad glisten gibber generate gaze gasp galvanise gabble forecast forage flinch muscle flex flatter flail fidget feign fawn facilitate evoke escort equip entreat enquire enforce embezzle reaction vote prevent from delay elicit elect edit detain defer deface deduce decipher debunk dawdle dart dangle dabble curb croon trick deceive in order to in order tightly amusement cringe conjure collude collate cleanse classify clasp clarify clamour chortle choreograph chomp chastise censure frighten go through fence criticise forbid cajole browbeat bribe breach brag boycott berate beckon beam batter ban babble formal expect ceremony religious publicly officially slightly explanation relax particular state appease appeal anticipate anoint annoy announce annotate amuse ambush amble allot allege align aid agonise offend insult attractive reluctant threaten illegal affront affirm adorn admit adhere accost accelerate