
desert deployment deploy demobilize defensive defense defector strike decoration declare atomize death roll deadly D-Day curtail curfew cruise crossfire crack court-martial counter corps convoy conventional contingent conscription conscript Congressional Medal of Honor confidential surrender conch concentration camp commit commission commandeer command comb combined combatant combat colt colonel collateral damage collateral collaboration cold war steel code name coast guard cluster cluster bomb close quarters classified civil war CIA ceasefire carrier capitulation capitulate cannon call up cadet bushido bunker bullet brink pebble brilliant brigade breakthrough brass boot camp booby booby trap bombing bomber bomb blockbuster blockade blitzkrieg blitz besiege belligerent beeper beachhead bazooka bayonet battle battalion base barrage banzai ballistic disarmament badger Badger game badge nuke backpack AWOL atrocity artillery army armoury radar armor armed forces arm Arizona antiwar anti-aircraft all-weather antimissile All-out alert missile air raid airlift air force aircraft carrier aircraft airborne reconnaissance aerial atomic bomb ABM chemical bacterial biological atomic world body witch hunt wholesale white book whistle stop welfare state weathervane wax vote VIP violent violation Vietnam vice-president vice veto verbal velvet utopia usurp urgent urge upper house unveil unsuccessful unsigned unqualified universal unity unitary Unitarian unconstitutional unconditional uncompromising uncommitted uncle sam unban unanimous UN ultimatum ulterior turnout trusteeship troubleshooter trickle treaty treachery top tin tiff tie ticket Third Reich think tank terrorism territory territorial term Teflon techno technocracy talk-show take table swearing-in surprise supreme super superpower summitry summit suffrage subversion stump stave stave off statesmanship statesman state standing stalemate stability spokesman special speaker sovereignty sovereign Solon socialist socialism social soapbox sleaze slate sit-in sin silent signatory shelve shadow sever sexual settle session separatism separation of powers separation senior senatorial senate self-government security secretary secret secessionist seat scrap scenario satellite sanctuary