
across-the-board accountant open an account settlement rigging account receivable receivable payable account book accommodation bill account accommodation execution execute examination evoke hearing evidentiary evidence escape clause deportation enforced embezzle electrocute trafficker drug trafficker baron drug baron drug abuse in the dock dock divorce district indictment dismissal dismiss responsibility diminished devolve devise detention detention center detection detective detainee detain convincing delinquency defendant deep pockets decree nisi decree deceive debug warrant death penalty death row death compensation damage da customary law custody culprit witness lawyer crown crown court examine cross-check wrongdoing criminal record record prosecution offender intent conversation contempt criminal code syndicate crime creative accounting judgment trial court banknote counterfeit counsellor corrective inquest registration hereditament corpus corporal corporeal coroner copyright cop conviction convict convention suppression unlawful seizure constable conspiracy connive connivance confiscate confirmed confidence confession confess complain complainant commute civil case claim civic circuit CID trespass charge medley red-handed paw case law case carrot and stick carjacking criminal capture warehouse capital punishment capital burgle burglar bump bug brutality accusation bring an accusation against bribery bribe break in exceeding certificate bogus bodyguard bobby jury blue ribbon bloodstained revenge blackmail blackjack black flag benefit of the doubt robbery bailiff bond bail backbite autopsy attorney jailbreak attempted murder abduction attempt at large assault arsonist arson arrest warrant armed robbery arbitrator apprehension appeal subversive annulment alimony alias pirate piracy infliction homicide rescue aftereffect affidavit action accuse accomplice accidental accident accessory abortion abduct explosive hydrogen gun gunshot gunship diplomacy gunboat syndrome GULF WAR guerilla guardsman ground grenade beret Golan Heights gm global GI headquarters headquarter germ Geneva gas garrison front fortify force flying flight fleet flare flamethrower flak five-star field expeditionary force expedition expeditionary espionage escort escalate emergency drone draftee double agent dive disinformation disciplinary dew devastate destruction designation deserter