柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 1星词汇 ★☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 1星词汇 ★☆☆☆☆词汇表
gal heck plover glaze facade clarinet overhang rueful rigour spotted preposterous humorous whereupon disappoint pitman ha PS furlong cholera bribery third party dredge up canvass insulin inference storey infamous grunt abduct souvenir patriarch human nature stave off velocity superconductor cypress lastly dermatologist art form gullible blanch affinity deluxe detector cognitive deforest likeable sizeable diverge insulting mummy momma vagary latter-day milky interminable famously info weighty death sentence recessionary subscriber armament jetty delete annoyance subtlety commandant revel first person proxy unheard of reciprocate tenure incidence eponymous moult unforeseen graveyard westward indecisive ep evangelist acknowledgement high-powered scroll triad digestion enthral distraction abstinence nutritional power-sharing regress lull plunder daytime intolerable scorching reddish margarine postage well-meaning wither avant-garde storyteller secessionist bequeath lifeboat caricature irishman linguistic mutiny dab priory chilling snuff out da distortion shah vale gigantic catchy equilibrium mania idol locker room industrial relations death rate cunning suggestive man-made phosphorus subway embezzlement silt up blood test filibuster exhaustive synagogue levitate fiery disillusioned lurid computer game sewing machine chiffon irritant cactus dotted baking embattled deviant descended melodic raincoat recess southerner crazed stipulate chamber of commerce abyss broke shawl suited trump respective henceforth clap cover-up single-minded laud covenant reassuring sumo concerto pickled mass-produce photon nibble ante up even up commotion ferment gunpoint prowl blockbuster additive adversary usable butt in tablecloth jittery commune addictive dwindle blindfold interstate extol paratrooper mauve fawn planter snappy polyester cleavage ablaze wanton aquamarine wiggle thermometer wobbly drench inconceivable borderline karate eagle cracker paradigm checklist dove impart fuse heartbreak gratuitous coax panther paradox observance overtime junta bookstore persevere throes crave sunflower misconduct lo cutlery runny arc haunted anathema hobble bower prof lodging handmade mass media colonize