House of Cards (纸牌屋) 第一季词汇表

House of Cards (纸牌屋) 第一季词汇表
tank backstab tutelage servitude indenture pragmatism tariff samarium valiant incessant miscarriage depravity off the record combative loiter sophomore overture incestuous extortion salvo farce vassal shackle voracious parakeet fundraiser bourbon wacko titty hypothetical brass tack paranoid thrush savvy gauntlet blindside prop abrasive amenable hospitable relapse detox inebriate tenant gist affront indelicate brunette psychotic schmooze scowl overrate blister cocktail security deposit berate sugarcoat obliterate indelible renegade fallout solace craving nauseous cuddle grapple medium rare windbag mascot sabotage hijack provost embroil deportation breather blip atone vibe muster sniper ploy bagel crackhead stonewall homegrown drum splatter treason harmony macaroni baloney sham cuss lapdog vouch impeachment take the fifth matriculate drone marcel hefty haze fancy cadet octave marijuana groom mince earmark shenanigan limelight itemize abstain gritty stomp vacillate crucify mainline smack opium narcotic bondage uncouth sapphire sacrament coup stump convene spearhead preeminence piston defibrillator felony underprivileged uppity gangland stray pedestal overlook karma gut colossal hollow white-knuckle sobriety opportunistic gaffe edification ordeal trot out trot deplore cogent bystander gallbladder exile nosedive dissipate picket elite malt teamster booze trespass affiliate keg quartet luncheon tux sober splinter fad pander gala botch slit mouthpiece hash slug tipsy cleave Cuban rogue tart badger hatchback fishtail haul slaw scapegoat disseminate Aberdeen heavy-handed hypocrisy cozy prestigious denture quarrelsome spur-of-the-moment lump filtration cunt shrivel steamroll vindictive eminent easement dredge varsity valedictorian Palo Alto Zimbabwe malaria hump giardia scratch choir trailblazer earthworm tulip prong bog down reverend fathom unescorted console fellatio clitoris sphincter tit snot swoop charter ultimatum nowhere ungodly moan suffocate foothold biennial slack deposition subpoena two-bit smear vulgar rein wedge sledgehammer