这个男人来自地球 The Man From Earth词汇表

这个男人来自地球 The Man From Earth词汇表
supernatural goodness opera grand sin purging exalt flapdoodle Vatican venerate intone moan genuflect procession ritual creator ripper Elvis Solomon horrible blasphemy ballpark soul terror seduction priest peddle screw taught kingdom acknowledge realism ruthless brotherhood tolerance kindness accent Buddhism teaching philosophical taken imperfect spoken undergone literally treat inconsiderate source borrow throw away manuscript leader Christian closely mythology pagan gethsemane wisdom divine persuasion gentle peace shepherd savior begotten zeus alcmene virgin hercules Krishna alien benevolent hair beard golden Aryan Asian speculation nail tied wrist Europe central ascend ecstatic explain tried watch devote undetected attempt normalize cross undetectable Tibet crucifixion prophecy fulfill pin medal mixed tales fairy sort of Rome against dissident giant empire seep etruscan returned form hit preferred practice holy war holy Hinduism atheist Koran Torah raised ancient modern commandment reveal revisionist Latin Greek Hebrew dozen testament overlay mythical fisherman apostle tablet wooden law receive freedom follower staff floating Syrian Moses event basis allegory bible clamor in a way biblical faith regress infinite mover prime imply energy affecting hiding everywhere hypothesis religion religious pop October underwear sewn dirt sinful bathing unwashed nasty packed statue worship guinea tribe rush spare shame crowd Brussels keep in touch parted reservation scholar kosher echo genuine confirmation confirmed convincing senility touch crack hunch anyway badge terrific represent escaped chilly stay out magdalene corroborate doubt pet planet expanded colony mar Mars faster survival pill suit invitation cockamamie swear underdeveloped huff Christmas descendent direct ape charade struck hurt alzheimer disappear favorite infantile permit cancer pancreatic rope jesus christ Christ Jesus dislike correct exactly bullet heal coach arm