
putrefaction post-operative discourage amputation appreciate royal fellow M.B. ether witness settle down to settle down with flying colors A.B. sail through sail inherit antisepsis crosshatch clump universal donor universal antigen miraculously widely recipient donor replacement gallon bleed rupture plug up plug distinct interrelate clot coagulation thrombocyte platelet lastly acid-base balance acid-base pigment abundant erythrocyte extra demand quart efficient ingenious functionally dissipate readily core conductivity heat-regulating biochemical buffer enzyme target delivery deliver pickup designate formed element element suspend intracellular interstitial plasma billion continual transportation absolute relative numerous weaken immunize exposure susceptible to susceptible convalescent serum injection fetus placenta diffuse infantile renew tend to tend inject attain passive typhoid spot rocky rabies immunization lifelong pertussis infancy scarlet fever poliomyelitis mumps measles chickenpox influenza coryza lymphoid stimulate precipitate neutralize node endothelial envelop inactivate salinity alkalinity outward propel hairlike cilium cilium medium unfavorable acidity moderate nonspecific pathogen ward off ward resistance victim a pack of pack slow down dirt upward particle sweep back and forth cilia hairlike branch out into harmful calm sedative mildly vomit constrict slow up act upon reflex oblongata medulla dose introduce excrete inhale per cent swallow afterward saliva be exposed to expose brownish tar aldehyde ketone ammonia pyridine bind nicotine sniff chew conclusive non-smoker statistical chronic cigarette irregularity shortness of breath shortness nausea appetite loss be linked to link hazard soothe tobacco approximately kilocalorie definition centimeter length potential whatsoever blink furnace gasoline automobile calory indoor manual relaxation tension climate preceding precede relaxed awake metabolic tone basal mystify miraculous miracle destructive breaking-down constructive building-up roughly use up construct anabolism catabolism cellular fuel metabolize preliminary merely utilization specifically the foregoing foregoing lymph mucosa intestinal absorption occurrence list pneumonia tracheitis pharyngitis inflammation rhinitis membrane travel passageway