
profoundly profound idea cover comment on comment basis basic base journalist journal parallel to parallel in form in a manner in a way notion concept on the one hand on the other hand connection connect link facility pack with pack equip equipment significance significant critical essence necessary rather than particularly particular peculiar to peculiar especially especial specific specialize special take as regard as view as view constitution institution conserve preserve legal wage slave salary involve earn reflection reflect interdependence independence independent no less than no more than less than more than exploration explore production conductor semiconductor conduction conduct energy devote dedicate to dedicate rule code inspect approach resolve solve solution complete accomplish accomplishment distribution distribute make contribution to contribute to contribution contribute exclusive decide conducive deduct deductive deduce decisive decision reveal lead to cause course clear be obligated to obligate be obliged to be obliged to do obligation function analysis analyze analogous to analogy analogous thought thinking duty active individual elect select definition define divide unity unite exaggeration scale challenge deal deal with policy strategic choice choose demand task continent fabric fabricate presentation present represent aspect expect respect identity identify at a loss loss statistics state undermine undertake undergo underline survive only alone concerning concern related to relate relation in relation to publish bring increasingly increase multimedia recent event invent create nation convey feeling means television consequently consequence produce grammar formulate formula form humanity chemistry physician math mathematics cross-culture media law psychiatry economy anthropology archaeology fine art art aesthetics psychology physics linguistics a sort of believe in come to though habitual habit determine relatively relative relationship interested in date data accuse of accuse striking strike description describe local native similar assimilate abolish vanish different from gratitude grateful philosopher philosophy diverse diversity realize reality real schedule procedure process construction instrument instruction structure research