十天突破雅思口语 必备掌中宝 所有单词词汇表

十天突破雅思口语 必备掌中宝 所有单词词汇表
ridiculous absurd abstract smash hit performance cuddly affable National treasure staple enigmatic mysterious endangered skateboarding mahjong approachable knowledgeable articulate athletic urbane good-looking pudgy periodical audio-visual stack boutique cosmetic link escalator lift elevator platform invigorate limpid serene tranquil hedge pavilion flowerbed fence path pond pool facility enchanting Mecca holy place snack colony courtyard optimistic traffic congestion infrastructure sculpture skyscrape lawn barbecue camping hiking jog taekwondo roller-skating karaoke diverse materialistic snobbish gifted talented prolific versatile quick-witted sociable low key modest tenacious level head assertive confident aspiring ambitious graceful compassionate passionate conscientious open mind attractive mannered carefree generous hospitable scared holy out of the world soothing pleasing chirp shopaholic librarian shop assistant pattern layout inquiring mind cheek rosy shimmer eyebrow spark bush waterfall fountain step column pillar curtain wall hall lobby entrance towering decor interior exterior lush ferocious fierce beat up agile cumbersome clumsy chubby fluffy sleek glossy ultra portable compact durable magnificent spectacular deteriorate improve slow down accelerate frustrate inspire encourage impede restrict boost promote disgusting frugal extravagant run of the mill monotonous organise ugly hopefully normally honestly sadly unfortunately currently immediately almost practically mostly typically specifically essentially basically actually complex complicated time consuming disturbing frustrating exhaust hazardous poisonous knockoff bogus messy worthless atrocious commonplace vital significant luxurious posh authentic entertaining informative fascinating cost effective economical original nutritious wholesome flawless rewarding user friendly state of the art intelligent appealing inspiring encouraging desirable exquisite fancy enjoyable awkward efficient inexpensive valuable speedy dynamic punctual pathetic genuine superb awesome amazing marvelous energise independent ease expand brighten up liven up wind down burn out brush up on stick to get stuck deal with cope with participate adapt work up sleep in get rid of take into account rip off work out think of take up pay off face up to present come up with