雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表
chimpanzee gorilla drought vitality die out gene vulnerable sanctuary underside fold noticeable mane steadily decline split off sub-species habitat globe academic recall hang on to familiarize primary secondary online site metro tube subway bus station furniture fashion show international delay buffet tax temporary orientation considerate chef hospitality booth publicity stamp handle recruit staff holiday hostel cinema railway station hotel straight pack demand delegate arrange mummy obsidian geochronology flint lithic thickness innovation quarry systematically dwelling shelter plough embed cereal colonise severely descend scatter sufficient archaeological stitch hollow ample axe husbandry excavation botanist pottery wheat fleet restrict species sustain viable continental add up hypothesis on a roll hunter-gatherer time scale leave out Karaoke bar opera house club pub disco department live music concert classical folk jazz pop preference face to face branch carnation rose villa cave grapefruit citrus dale lily manor drift hike guava pomelo rocky valley stunning woodland signpost wander exotic orchard clay brick sandstone privacy devastate hesitation mill welcome footbridge estate mulberry oak chimney stack tile mullion haven running water deposit account ATM joint account current account transfer indonesian identity joint detail statement minimum security profession spelling previous application round trip reproduction painting interruption glimpse explore explorer entertainment distraction discover desirable demonstration cycling collection challenging cancellate cabin bushwalking baggage admittance compensate subtitle sound effect craze faint sensation loop tension tendency rival line up device projection motion primitive fellow succession gallop hoof roundabout responsibility reproduce representative reflective protection proficiency professor precision practical pledge paperwork domesticate demanding criticize overflow opportunity observation memo marketplace margin handwriting abbreviation embark statistics discipline analysis sunscreen platform marine magnification gymnasium gallery expense energetic cramped brunch brochure anticipate acclaim surround excursion fascinating buffet car