雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表
marmot otter hare elephant beaver wolf buffalo bison vole scavenge fin strong current underneath sandpaper barb Tahiti scale be crowded with pliable cartilage skeleton sense of smell acute breed essentially creature reputation magnet semiconductor silicon prism reflection slurry lime oxide sulphur solution unsaturated saturate installment gadget end up start off cut out babyish write up fortnight for good turn off go through amplifier bolt hand drill equipment ordinary merge segment crystal dissolve rock salt measurement paperclip cushion engine balloon hovercraft get hold of voucher front desk lobby toll speed limit intersection round-trip ticket flight plus on top of on the top of communal pride cater for guarantee in detail watch out discerning complaint appropriate deal with at the moment sort out meet up Instant coffee flatmate by the way look forward to due to set up later on tape deck a set of handy draw the line ought to take notes farewell rugby cricket volleyball squash basketball immigration canteen diner catering service mall supermarket newsagent charity security personnel surveillance elitist largish refectory gym premise living quarter access cite hall of residence outskirts crucial consensus in broad terms draw up collate approximately option arrive at facility beneficiary feasible student union grateful Korean Japanese Arabic Russian Spanish Cantonese mandarin specially major course elective optional obligatory required mandatory registration form in line with be better off focus on upgrade convenor enrollment leisure procrastination manage to take up motivational tip strategy aim at intensive science art postgraduate undergraduate build up refresher course enquire refer to aquarium trapeze convention be taken with routine puppet well worth feature aerial showcase purist acrobatic clown in spite of stadium portable canvas marquee distinct plenty of circus in particular exhibition sensational recover from allow a couple of timing in store entrance hall stereo system stove fridge bathroom kitchenette sitting room living room den library studio apartment twin room monthly proportion insurance deposit quite a bit pet swimming pool be used to company accommodation move out get into postcode particular homestay move into loophole innocent indifference deliberately inquiry crew reference to oil tanker illustrate undermine be deprived of