雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 听力词汇词汇表
mortality burst alight on distinguished admiration skepticism deduction eccentric succumb flourish antiseptic enigma wrestle with anthropological psychological promotion Personnel Department multinational self-employed trend overlook service sector collaborative consultative potential initiate efficiency workforce disband specific strengthen regulation lifecycle takeover merger edition revise overall acknowledge discredit originate disprove raft canoe coastal ocean current carving mysterious radical inhabitant shape harsh slope amenity mosaic fortification medieval theme literal glacier ice rink fauna concept award-winning contractor testimony rigorous deceptive press up-to-the-minute charming renowned secure conduct shopping centre council sweaty uphill drive footpath section improvement spare justify hibernation fracture strip logging ecosystem delicate estimate lush nutrient discard nurture intake erosion surface endangered conservation peer group folder Manila cylinder separate grease depressurize chamber release liquid pressurize detergent novel rock pool identical tricky appliance entry hairdryer reciprocal premier commitment individual entitle trampolining weight training suite refurbish retractable unfortunate lane asset run through custom exchange arrive from terminal rental sunbath go straight to desert lodge theme park self-drive mobile incidentally provision feed on resurgence song thrush predator hedgehog pond proliferate representation graphic exception select rare precise endorse wildlife inhabit turn up sparrow technique background revision paragraph familiarity translate sense of achievement dispensary set aside specialise faculty assertive mature approach lecturer viewpoint alter credit with pharmacy enrol in takeaway cardboard bulb lamp hook cupboard plastic square light up switch control heating symptom respiration prevention physical examination immunity clinical check-up antibiotic admission primary school disease asthma pilot fitness acupuncture homeopathy therapy treatment injury vaccinate appointment clinic spoilt quantity extract economic calculate debt concrete chemical damage occupant reed purify reclaim surplus spread energy-efficient insulation foam photovoltaic layer sloping relatively create professional experimental domestic strength recommendation criticise consult structured