
  • n.疾病分类学[表]
  • 网络病理学;疾病类型学
  • 变形



    nosology[ nɔ'sɔlədʒi, nəu- ]

    • n.the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of disease




    Comorbidity of Alcoholism with Other Nosologies
    Genetic and genomic analyses as a basis for new diagnostic nosologies
    Abandoning official psychiatric nosologies: a cure that may be worse than the disease: a commentary on Markon
    A comparison of the Berlin and Ghent nosologies and the influence of dural ectasia in the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome
    The medicalization of diagnosis: from cultural and environmental nosologies to lay medical concerns
    A comparison of the ghent and revised ghent nosologies for the diagnosis of marfan syndrome in an adult korean population † ‡
    Epistemological pluralism and scientific development: an argument against authoritative nosologies.
    Ethical Considerations in the Development and Application of Mental and Behavioral Nosologies: Lessons from DSM-5
    The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): A Dimensional Alternative to Traditional Nosologies.
    Diagnostic yield in adults screened at the Marfan outpatient clinic using the 1996 and 2010 Ghent nosologies.