英语(新世纪版) 八年级第一学期词汇表

英语(新世纪版) 八年级第一学期词汇表
walk a dog varieties of organic vegetable be friendly to whether variety treat as treat tell from spinach recent raise problem preserve pet peach owner organic orchard natural melon lonely learn from keep someone company in honour of in favour of in danger in addition hear of greenhouse grapefruit friendly favour eggplant earthquake debate danger chemical carrot bury brave biology attack argue amazing agricultural addition vivid open to the public loud attentive world-famous wonder without with the help of wisdom weigh until trouble treasure tour guide top class ton to this day thumb thousands of the Nile South American south silk side separate ring recite reach protect product pride priceless part pardon never mind mile meaning material listener lip length king keep alive joke inside in order to in fact idiom hit height heart global gesture foot express exhibition exhibit exchange entrance Egyptian Egypt economy dynasty deep death cover continue concert complete common circle calligraphy by heart booking office body language body be quiet be made up of be careful BC as well as soon as as arm alive wine well-done waitress waiter tip take someone's order surely such as steak starter speciality soup so that snack bar snack since shake hands with service charge service salt roommate response receive rare polite pleased pie painting pack onion noisy necessary menu main course madam lovely local lecture in response to hardly go Dutch English-speaking eat out Dutch dessert custom culture course communicate chinese painting charge chain bill below be true for be busy doing something apple pie stop someone from doing something online shopping home help get familiar with DVD player be connected to toaster with pleasure way of life washing machine volume vacuum unit type in TV set turn up turn on turn off turn down till tidy up the same as somebody select robot remote control remote relax process press prepare practise pound perform oven ought to ought order operation online nothing nobody mouse monitor model microwave memory medical make the bed main machine keyboard invention industrial inch housework household help someone with something fridge fantastic fan