
stop change should kilometer until across from bridge across meter crossing turn along fresh air miss cost traffic noisy city countryside move sleep colorful area service far from far close to close sport a lot of child community such as road end station railway supermarket parking lot bookstore post office post corner street bank store neighbor for rent month quiet rent apartment country farmhouse townhouse only model left large house flower yard in the center of center thing look after door put away away put key table window guitar in front of front behind chair under near clock lamp first bathroom living room dining room kitchen upstairs and so on floor second bedroom garden beautiful PE late hard February sound night Saturday stamp between attention activity outdoor study best subject which learn difficult interesting easy meeting science politics biology math history art geography physics Friday Thursday Tuesday Monday Wednesday also wonderful Japanese because picture draw at the back of blackboard aha write lesson ping-pong sit game a few few around wallet money lost and found newspaper on time return must keep shelf look for use of course course workbook borrow dance run do some cleaning clean pool swimming building gym dining hall hall room computer lab playground classroom soon boring card make talk more over or American life the Great Wall wall great twice once week library music listen swim basketball bed after at school begin movie soccer watch TV TV watch park ride never walk seldom sometimes worm catch bird early weekday boat ship train plane on foot come on always subway by gate