O水准英语试卷1 O Level English Paper 1词汇表

O水准英语试卷1 O Level English Paper 1词汇表
mortified octave scant exhilarating momentum gingerly defeat mocking contemplate retort theatrical precarious penchant tizzy impromptu tinge etch chortle toast infinitude envious ravishing exude photogenic cheeky lovey-dovey matrimony materialize nuzzle bask resentment outburst condemned revelation folly vehement parry brawl vengeance disservice hatred utter ignorant unleash bewildered confrontation overwhelming immeasurable inflict resemblance apparent close shave retail therapy indulge harangue indignation flout lure abstain horrendous drastic gregarious condolence amputate pungent fuzzy russet beseech scaled rev mellow rebellious haunt inject splurge mutual enthusiast void plague waft odour purposeful deliberate scrutinize stoic stellar momentous countenance wallow cordial assertive mar amiable bestow glitch coiffure fret iron fist literally apprehension characteristic foreboding fleeting saturated beckon exile commemoration flawless gesture wizened stature petite hearty pocket-sized berate rapid fluster totter rumination deft perplexed precise condiment makeshift gastronomic delectable minuscule invigorating cloudburst haven nostalgia insistent apparently reverence tenacity blithe meticulous thriving relish butterfly testament spectacular astounding vicinity mesmerize plateau sheer gawk ideal remnant zest flora spruce up hardy hover behold hypnotic wondrous arabesque peak morph awestruck resplendent harmonious enthralling dweller eye-opener sensuous exotic quaint frigid instantaneous hierarchy miniscule bristling hustle mirthful genial workaholic straitlaced rigid intriguing stealthy extract diversity posture dejected resigned uninhibited poker face propaganda unspeakable nonchalant zealous riotous definitive solemn people from all walks of life labyrinth pouring vibes urgency dusky linger pillar twilight years distinguished unceasing impart through thick and thin sacred exemplary unconditional inculcate conviction ethos spare resolute weary biting baritone authoritative temperament short fuse knobbly mock belittle lanky craggy falter rendition pelt ovation sterling ambience chime in serenade spectrum hue accompaniment reverberation riff assiduous dedicated auditorium let minute intricate psychedelic poised