
all over the world melting pot melting accept coexist flip industrious vibrant worldwide reservation recognition unchanged moderation chopsticks chopstick counterpart coffee hamburger contact threaten impress panda blockbuster animated film animated local resident resident identity dilute assimilate custom global village religion interdependent drawback ethnic conflict culture shock barrier immigrant respect trend context westerner typical communicate particular concept dig into substitute for try doing mentality misguided demonstrate acquisition foreign language repetitive derive derive from idiom efficiently effectively dialect vocabulary memorise grammar language cross-talk pursuit statue sculpture painting Beijing Opera music poem representative unique writer painter musician objective spiritual satisfy science vary art arts resort historic visitor scenery disturb attract airline tourism unbalanced tourist industry tourist dependent restaurant hotel energy efficient modernize modernise for sure in the long run move forward admire stunning emerge garden apartment concrete density skyscrape skyscraper user-friendly architecture comfortable air conditioner air conditioning lift consist with utilisation Cultural Heritage heritage esthetic reputation gradually pizza hometown overweight spread to take over convenient cuisine snack ingredient artificial chain home cooking recipe nutritious obesity obese fat meal junk food calory nutrient quality control standardise expensive pop icon MTV brand name dwell on look down upon depend on subconscious icon pop obsession inner blindly cherish up-to-date idol superstar stylish human nature fashionable dress up individuality afford living standards confidence celebrity gorge gorgeous fad superficial dress parade parade snob snobbish social status associate with fulfil peacockery keep up with fashion taste self-expression expression safer commit crime end up in jail compassion lenient advocate deterrent safety public threat to commit a crime preventive prevention juvenile delinquency delinquency jail punish offender innocent offence effective prison criminal severe punishment punishment training flaw unfortunate education borne retail price misrepresentation vivid play a role vital text message promotional personal information exaggerated item entice disseminate brand newspaper radio TV stimulate shopaholic marketing advertiser purchase induce target audience