
 Product YZ2 is made in a production process where machine time is a bottleneck resource. Production of one unit of Product YZ2 takes 0.25 machine hours. The costs and selling price of Product YZ2 are as follows: 

In a system of throughput accounting, what is the return per factory hour? 



The return per factory hour is measured using the bottleneck resource as a measure of factory hours. 

Return = Throughput 

Return per machine hour = $(30 – 10)/0.25 hours = $80. 


What objectives might the following not for profit organisations have? 

(a) An army                                                (d) A political party 

(b) A local council                                     (e) A college 

(c) A charity 

One of the objectives of a local government body could be 'to provide adequate street lighting throughout the area'. 

(a) How could the 'adequacy' of street lighting be measured? 

(b) Assume that other objectives are to improve road safety in the area and to reduce crime. How much does 'adequate' street lighting contribute to each of these aims? 

(c) What is an excessive amount of money to pay for adequately lit streets, improved road safety and reduced crime? How much is too little? 

What general objectives of non profit seeking organisations are being described in each of the following? 

(a) Maximising what is offered 

(b) Satisfying the wants of staff and volunteers 

(c) Equivalent to profit maximisation 

(d) Matching capacity available 

A division with capital employed of $400,000 currently earns an ROI of 22%. It can make an additional investment of $50,000 for a five year life with nil residual value. The average net profit from this investment would be $12,000 after depreciation. The division's cost of capital is 14%. 

What are the residual incomes before and after the investment? 

The transfer pricing system operated by a divisional company has the potential to make a significant contribution towards the achievement of corporate financial objectives. 


Explain the potential benefits of operating a transfer pricing system within a divisionalised company. 

