《生人勿进》(Let the Right One In)词汇表

《生人勿进》(Let the Right One In)词汇表
binding alternative blessing excruciating snarl throb tanning suppress bloodsucker conservative ballot leftist poll lenient ramble blast siren slink megaphone coupon strip expire tab wilt triumph erection nasal prayer chant engulf split second flail hiccough impenetrable mesh static toot cling excrement nestle trim cremate statuette avail soundproof furious jug sizzle denature maul disentangle snuffle vibrate burglar humiliate wobbly headlong mince vertical reprieve jellyfish rib fluid porridge sphere envision drool thigh patter spasm obscene crisscross crave penis hem rasp overpower semicircle etch hinge fragment spear chatter smother shaft stain glimmer cloy thinner pang oblige theatrical sway cynical intersection roundabout extremity encapsulate cot pillowcase translucent patio shady restrain insanity utter butt vulnerable kink spine pat massage superfluous stem idiotic lengthwise hook ligament seize up retina reign slump disintegration preferable typhus wagon crush impoverished ribbon slice competence underscore aloof pigment eyebrow slash strap refill catheter remnant laceration vampire buzz yawn suction suck tinkle grind unzip donor artery vein transparency frown cuckoo monopoly chortle cosmetic latch tilt ragged cutout cardboard jack off freak dim hop habitual overall masticate duct craggy chill whoosh chute sleeve sponge demonstrative hole up ticktock hashish heroin labyrinth pious rage quell Hebrew stiff slam scalding counter spout exquisite draw in balcony inhabit den badger steer oak irrelevant squirrel dart lacerate saline administer await sack eyelid scar temple grope sigh reassure beige unseeing rod imprison silhouette cylinder corrode fart dice lust hypnotize wag tadpole streak blush lever willie sapling nipple intro dissolve pore socket shrug threshold jamb flip grainy stroboscope ripple unravel precede dental viable disregard interrogation