
fatal entertaining entertainer detain entertainment abstract extract extravagant jaw distract accelerated substantially substantial infrequent accidental casual occasionally approve consent sanction sanctify sanctity purify licence operational rational hallmark certification credential crafty craftsman sly cunning foxy shortcoming drawback defect at fault foul faulty engaged in commit oneself to devote community committee congress parliamentary parliament precisely accuser plaintiff defendant defender defend reduce reduction participate in emancipate acquit participatory participation participate morality virtuosity virtual prolong a bunch of bunch specific distinct definition ecological theological atheism theism pathological biological technological fossilization fossilize fossil fortnight fortnightly be eligible for glamorous numb dumb deductible disperse scattered scan scatter discomfort comfort replacement displacement cement betray aspire to spire aspire accordance synthetic sign bodge icon interprovincial preach bewilder perplexed part and parcel parcel deplorable miserable imitation assassinate creed doctrine ideology be fond of fondness fond plate float gape get cracking cracked crack concede to spell invite concession be compelled to be obliged to oblige compelling bash bang chop authority authentic secular pattern climacteric climate menstrual menopause puberty adolescence idol adolescent tide substitute for glide slip withdraw draw back retreat from outlook observation literally plaudit applaud catch a glimpse of glimpse hug brace embrace terrorism infringe undermine maltreat twist notorious dentist redeem deem foster grow activate nurture cultivation cultivate counseling counsel confer with conference confer merchant merchandise goods commodity column anticipation anticipate similarity resemblance intoxicated bewitch alcohol blameworthy worthy side party wing fierce turbulent violent color flagstone relax tone temperament switch to switch hustle rush through gold rush rush in print printer printout print blueprint printing humble archaic approximate perplex intoxicate poisoning perceptual poisonous commissioner submission commission fanatical commit substitute miss mission mathematics mathematical instrumentalist instrument initiative superior ingrain grain hit the road