The Kite Runner词汇表

The Kite Runner词汇表
qualified sahib pat sanctuary scratch blanket quilt slip cauliflower overstuff plummet albeit lurk nausea bolt dash whirl eerie downright crane uncoil mantle abhor aluminum doom spell whistle huddle chamber dip spar snap chuck porcelain thaw epilepsy turnip division stove tissue mesh grotesque loin coal circumcision dread sober appendicitis pistol armpit tuck fort bumper straddle rejuvenation comfort ambush trepidation akin nuance subtle grit hierarchy ingrained band elastic flurry blurt baffle grandiose whin pummel entourage palm compound trek monarch wrap siren staccato pitfall buoy endearment feign indecipherable stray nemesis mortal prank womb blade pluck sultan pomegranate aisle chore envious foyer marmalade pistachio stroll bury dub rev gale squirt mule plod mewl nomad harelip cripple tutor draft exemption enlist contrite struck hashish roadster scrape streak whack shove valiant wheel stampede trample toss hoove foam bleacher clatter jostle chase gallop melee carcass snatch patronize referee screech scraggy liability blunder envision verse clobber spit wanderer marvel tongue eternity exhale disapprove furtive virtue acne mullah mold rub virtuous scoff tousle breeze flap lumber havoc skim mustache strip awe obstinate specimen apt veracity brag afflict wrestle lore garrulous obstetric antidote tormentor retaliate blemish wrinkle martyr quell persecute sneak chorus hobble ape gutter tip miracle minor tilt arc sweep atrophy polio infidelity revery oscillate congenital impish ethnic elope creek barrack shortcut clan hemorrhage shack stool fray mattress hut acre terrace deer mosaic intricate slingshot cleft appendage stub sapphire pelt trouser