
fresh fork frequently follow in sb.'s foot steps frequent forgive footstep frequency forget Frenchman battlefield belong battle belly bell battery believe in batter battalion believe bathroom belief bathe being bath behind batch behaviour bat behave oneself dump dumb dull duke due duck dubious ideology identity identify...with identify identification identical ideally ideal idea ice-cream icon ice in harmony with in hand in half illusion illuminate illness illegal ill as fresh as a daisy at last at all costs attentive around the corner attention attendant around the clock at best at heart accurate a good deal audience aspiration Arab answer also ahead admit accuracy accumulate accountant account according to accordance accomplish conquer concede contemporary connection contemplate conceal connect comrade computer conjunction congressman congress compulsive congratulation compromise comprise draw on draw up draw in draw dramatic drama drain dress up dress dream dreadful dread drawing drawer draw back dragon drag on drag draft dozen concrete considerably contradiction considerable conclusion consider conclude contract continue consequently concession continual concert continental lie about faultless loop lynch loom lunch kindhearted kilogramme kill kidnap take the floor take it easy the Middle East turn a deaf ear to take delight in to death to this day to a day the other day these days to date turn the corner take sth. into consideration take charge take care of trolley bus the British try one's best take advantage of take action league limit leaflet lesson limestone less lime leaf lens limb leading lengthy leadership lily leader Leninism lead up to lengthen lead to length give one's love get hold of husband hurt hurry hurricane hurrah hurl hormone humanity horizon humanitarian hopeless human hopefully hopeful hum hope for the best hull hope for lyric look up to look up luxurious look through lust look over lure look out lung luncheon look on look into look in defendant depend on detector depend defend defence departure detection department defect detective depart defeat detect deer deny detain deeply dentist glamorous graduation glad graduate go without gradually go over given go on give up gradual give out gradient go off